Art Analysis from The Vietnam War

Photographer, Art Greenspon's, "The Best Photo from Vietnam." "As fellow troopers aid wounded buddies, a paratrooper of A Company, 101st Airborne, guides a medical evacuation helicopter through the jungle foliage to pick up casualties during a five-day patrol of an area southwest of Hue, South Vietnam, April 1968" (Agtmael, 2013). This photograph taken by war photographer, Art Greenspon, during the Vietnam war stirs up very raw emotions. There is a sense of desperation and hope as the paratrooper has his arms lifted in an attempt to guide the medevac helicopter to the ground. It almost seems like a prayer for help. There is obvious pain on the face of the soldier lying on the ground, which brings out emotions of fear. Seeing the other soldiers holding up their brothers brings about feelings of hope for their survival. There is an incredible amount of texture in the photo with the jungle branches and leaves surrounding the soldiers. It is amazing they were even a...