Early Modern Art and The Great Depression The Great Depression had a profound impact on the arts in many different ways. While the country was suffering economically, President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to restore it through the New Deal. The New Deal was a project that involved employing photographers and other artists to document real people who were suffering and publish their prints. Through this project, we ended up with some of the most beautiful and heartbreaking artwork of The Great Depression. This helped people all over the world to see how people like farmers and blue-collar workers were struggling. I am sharing three examples of this below. Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother , 1936 Migrant Mother is probably one of the most well-known photographs from The Great Depression. Photographer Dorothea Lange visited a squatter camp and took a series of photos of Florence Owens Thompson, a 32-year-old mother who was at a stranded pea-picking farm. This particular photo resu...