Morality in the Neo-Classical Period The Baroque and Rococo periods were full of extravagance. The artwork of that time often depicted images that focused on self-indulgence or even things that could be sexual in nature. As art began to focus on order and balance, the Neo-Classical period was introduced. Art began to look more restrained or controlled in a way. It was more civil or moral. Many of the Neoclassical paintings showed someone just doing an everyday activity, like sweeping the floor or working a job. The first piece below is Classical Ruins by William Hamilton. It is a rather ordinary painting, in my opinion, but it exemplifies the Neoclassical period perfectly. It reminds me of something I might see hanging in a public library or doctor's office. It has very muted, neutral tones with the primary focus on the people in the right corner working with the sheep. There are slight dabs of white on their clothing and on the horse that really draws you to that corner. While ...